Chapter 18 Review Chemical Equilibrium Answers Section 2


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Chemical Equilibrium Affiliate 18 Modern Chemistry

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Chemical Equilibrium Chapter 18 Modern Chemical science

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ChemicalEquilibriumChapter 18 Modern Chemistry Sections one & 2 The Nature of Chemic Equilibrium Shifting Equilibrium Affiliate eighteen Department ane ChemicaL Equilibrium p. 589-597

  2. Section 18.1 The Nature of Chemic Equilibrium Chapter 18 Section one Chemical Equilibrium p. 589-597

  3. Vocabulary • Reversible Reaction • Chemical Equilibrium • Equilibrium Expression • Equilibrium Constant • LeChatelier's Principle Insert Holt Disc ii Chapter xviii Section 1 Chemic Equilibrium p. 589-597

  4. Reversible Reactions Insert Holt Disc two Insert Glencoe Disc 1 Chapter 18 Section 1 ChemicaL Equilibrium p. 589-597

  5. Reversible Reactions • Products tin can react to re-form the reactants. • Must occur in a "closed" system • 2HgO(s) 2Hg(l) + O2(grand) • 2Hg(l) + O2(g) 2HgO(south) • Both of these reactions occur simultaneously • 2HgO(s) 2Hg(50) + O2(g) Chapter eighteen Department 1 Chemical Equilibrium p. 589-597

  6. Chemic Equilibrium • Charge per unit of its forrad reaction equals the rate of its reverse reaction …. • and the concentrations of its products and reactants remain unchanged • Somewhen all reversible reactions volition achieve eq. if the system is closed and conditions don't modify. • Eq. is dynamic – ever in movement. Chapter 18 Section 1 ChemicaL Equilibrium p. 589-597

  7. Reaction Rate vs time p. 591 Affiliate 18 Section 1 ChemicaL Equilibrium p. 589-597

  8. Equilibrium Demonstration Affiliate 18 Section 1 ChemicaL Equilibrium p. 589-597

  9. Reaction Rate vs. Time p. 591 Rateforward = Ratereverse Affiliate 18 Section 1 ChemicaL Equilibrium p. 589-597

  10. What is "favored" at Eq? • At equilibrium equal rates! reactants are favored neither is favored products are favored R P Affiliate 18 Department 1 Chemic Equilibrium p. 589-597

  11. Equilibrium Expression [ ] = concentration in mol/L • north A + m B ten C + y D • Dependant on temperature • Contained of initial concentrations [C]x [D]y products Keq = = [A]due north[B]yard reactants x, y, northward, m = coefficients Chapter xviii Section 1 ChemicaL Equilibrium p. 589-597

  12. Equilibrium Constant PRODUCTS • If Keq is large (>one) then products are favored at eq. • If Keq is small (<ane) and so reactants are favored at eq. Keq = REACTANTS PRODUCTS Keq = REACTANTS Pure liquids and solid are omitted. Chapter 18 Section ane ChemicaL Equilibrium p. 589-597

  13. Equilibrium Constants Table Chapter 18 Section one ChemicaL Equilibrium p. 589-597

  14. Sample Problem p. 594 • An equilibrium mixture of N2, O2 , and NO gases at 1500 K is adamant to consist of half-dozen.4x10–three mol/Fifty of N2, ane.7x10–3 mol/50 of O2, and 1.1x10–5 mol/L of NO. What is the equilibrium abiding for the system at this temperature? Keq = x 10−5 Chapter xviii Section 1 Chemical Equilibrium p. 589-597

  15. Practice Problems p. 595 #i • At equilibrium a mixture of N2, H2, and NH3 gas at 500°C is adamant to consist of 0.602 mol/L of N2, 0.420 mol/L of H2, and 0.113 mol/L of NH3.What is the equilibrium abiding for the reaction N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(k) at this temperature? 0.286 Chapter 18 Section 1 ChemicaL Equilibrium p. 589-597

  16. Practice Problems p. 595 #2 • The reaction AB2C(g) B2(thou) + AC(one thousand) reached equilibrium at 900 K in a 5.00 50 vessel. At equilibrium 0.084 mol of AB2C, 0.035 mol of B2, and 0.059 mol of AC were detected. What is the equilibrium constant at this temperature for this organization? (Don't forget to convert amounts to concentrations.) 4.9 x 10−3 Affiliate 18 Section ane Chemic Equilibrium p. 589-597

  17. Practise Issues p. 595 #3 • A reaction between gaseous sulfur dioxide and oxygen gas to produce gaseous sulfur trioxide takes place at 600°C.At that temperature, the concentration of SO2 is found to be i.fifty mol/L, the concentration of O2 is one.25 mol/50, and the concentration of SO3 is three.50 mol/50. Using the balanced chemic equation, calculate the equilibrium constant for this system. 4.36 Chapter eighteen Department 1 Chemical Equilibrium p. 589-597

  18. Equilibrium Concentrationsand Keq values p. 593 Chapter 18 Section 1 Chemical Equilibrium p. 589-597

  19. Eq. Concentration Problem • For the decomposition reaction of ammonia, 0.75 M of ammonia are added to an empty 1 Fifty flask. When the reversible reaction has accomplished equilibrium the concentration of nitrogen in the flask is 0.15 One thousand. Detect the equilibrium concentrations of hydrogen and ammonia. Too find the Keq. Chapter 18 Department i ChemicaL Equilibrium p. 589-597

  20. Determining Eq. Concentrations N2 (thousand)+3 H2 (g) 2NH3(g) i/three = 0.xv/x x = 0.45M 0 M 0 M 0.75 M +0.15 M +0.45 M 0.15 M 0.45 M Chapter 18 Department one Chemical Equilibrium p. 589-597

  21. Determining Eq. Concentrations N2 (yard)+3 H2 (g) 2NH3(g) 1/2 = 0.15/x x = 0.30M 0 M 0 M 0.75 Thousand +0.15 M +0.45 K -0.30 M 0.15 M 0.45 M 0.45 M If this side is + then the other side is -. Chapter 18 Department 1 ChemicaL Equilibrium p. 589-597

  22. Eq. Concentration Problem • For the synthesis reaction of hydrogen and iodine, 0.20M of hydrogen and 0.30M of iodine are added to an empty 1 L flask. When the reversible reaction has achieved equilibrium the concentration of hydrogen in the flask is 0.10 Yard. Find the equilibrium concentrations of iodine and hydrogen iodide. Besides find the Keq. Chapter 18 Section i ChemicaL Equilibrium p. 589-597

  23. Determining Eq. Concentrations H2 (g) + I2 (g)  2HI(g) 1/1 = 0.10/ten x = 0.10M 0.twenty Grand 0.30 Yard 0 M -0.10 M -0.10 M 0.10 Grand 0.20 M Affiliate 18 Department ane ChemicaL Equilibrium p. 589-597

  24. Determining Eq. Concentrations H2 (g) + I2 (m)  2HI(g) i/two = 0.ten/x x = 0.20M 0.20 Yard 0.30 M 0 M -0.x M -0.10 Grand +0.twenty Thou 0.10 M 0.20 G 0.twenty M If this side is - then the other side is +. Chapter eighteen Department 1 Chemical Equilibrium p. 589-597

  25. Eq Concentration Problem • A 0.twenty One thousand solution of HC2H3O2 is v.0% ionized. Find the equilibrium concentrations of H+, C2H3O21- and HC2H3O2, also observe the Keq. answer Affiliate 18 Section one ChemicaL Equilibrium p. 589-597

  26. Eq Conc. & Keq Bug • At a specific temperature and pressure, ane.ii moles of hydrogen, 0.xl moles of nitrogen and 1.3 moles of ammonia are put into a airtight one liter flask. When immune to reach equilibrium the amount of ammonia is 1.half dozen moles. Find the Keq for this organization. • N2(1000) + 3H2(1000) 2NH3(g) answer Affiliate eighteen Section 1 ChemicaL Equilibrium p. 589-597

  27. Eq Conc. & Keq Bug • When .56 moles of SO3 is placed in a liter container, some of it decomposes. The equilibrium concentrations of SO2 is 0.42 moles / liter. Summate the equilibrium concentration of O2 and SO3 and the Keq. O2 = 0.21 K SO3 = 0.14 M Keq = .53 Chapter 18 Section 1 Chemical Equilibrium p. 589-597

  28. Ch 18 Sec 1 Homework Page 595 # one-9 Chapter 18 Department 1 ChemicaL Equilibrium p. 589-597

  29. Ch 18 Sec 1 Homework Equilibrium Concentrations and Keq Worksheet Chapter 18 Section 1 ChemicaL Equilibrium p. 589-597


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